A third generation Eastsider, Bob has a strong dedication to his community. Here are a few ways he has given back to the place he calls home.
Annual Klahanie Food Drive
Bob founded the Annual Klahanie Food Drive in 1988 to benefit the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank. Since that time, the yearly event has provided more than 90 tons (180,000 pounds) of food to needy families in the area. Every year Bob publicizes the event, and then sets up a central location within Klahanie to receive donations. Pumpkins are given away to everyone who donates. Bob gives all the credit to his neighbors: "We couldn't do this without the community's generosity".
Fourth of July Flags
For the last 36 years Bob has been placing flags in throughout the Klahanie community and has very much enjoyed the thumbs up and horn toots that the flags create. He sincerely everyone has a safe, fun and happy Fourth of July.